Questions and answers

Why are photographs and digital images important for home décor?

Photos and digital images can be an effective way to add style and personality to any space. They can help create a specific atmosphere and convey emotions and feelings through the image. Additionally, photographs and digital images can be customized to suit each individual's style and preferences, making them unique and special.

Why is it important to have high-quality printing of photos and digital images?

The quality of the print is crucial to ensure that the image appears sharp, detailed and with accurate colours. Poor quality printing can negatively affect the overall appearance of the image and therefore lessen its decorative effect. That's why at our store we make sure to use high-quality paper and print-on-demand to ensure that each print is high-quality and meets our customers' expectations.

Questions and answers about the production and sending of the works:

How long does it take to produce and ship jobs?

We strive to submit our jobs as quickly as the systems allow. Since we produce our works exclusively and print them individually, this can take a little longer compared to other production methods, but we make sure that our clients receive a high-quality final product that meets their expectations. .

Why is it important for you to minimize the waste of production material and take care of the environment?

At our store, we take environmental responsibility very seriously and are committed to reducing our CO2 footprint. By producing our jobs exclusively and print-on-demand, we can minimize the waste of materials and reduce our CO2 footprint by not generating unnecessary stocks that consume resources. In addition, we use high-quality paper that is sustainable and environmentally friendly.

Questions and answers about the quality of the paper and the passion of the artist:

What paper is used to print the jobs?

We use high quality matte paper with the following characteristics: 0.26 mm (10.3 mil) paper thickness, 189 g/m² paper weight, 94% opacity, and 104% ISO brightness. We also use other types of high-quality paper depending on the delivery region.

What about the passion of the artist who creates the content of the store?

In our store, the passion for art and photography is what drives us. Each image we offer is the result of the creativity and dedication of our artist, who strives to create unique and emotional images that can have a positive impact on the lives of our clients. The passion for the creation of art is what motivates us to continue